How to use APIs

How to use APIs

This is the second of a series of articles intended for those who are new to programming and are interested in starting to know more about APIs. You can check the previous article here. If you’re already a developer and are searching for in-depth content Pipefy API documentations, please go here. What are APIs used…

Technology Advancement: past, present and future

Human beings have been on planet Earth dating back nearly 300,000 years. In all these years on this beautiful and resourceful planet, humans have never experienced this surge in technological advancement we are experiencing now. There are several reasons behind why this is happening, but I always like to address two: knowledge is becoming accessible…

Pipefy Engineering: Pride Month Special — Out in Tech

I’ve been working at Pipefy for 6 years and some, and there’s a part of the company that has always fascinated me. You see, Diversity, inclusion and belonging are not just words we throw around here. They’re an active part of our DNA. They are principles we take very seriously and work non-stop to make sure each and every one…